Monday 10/23 - Practice 3:30 - 4:45 - Reminder! Turn in DQ Permission Slips
Tuesday 10/24 - LAST DUAL MEET - Home vs. Lincoln
- Lincoln Should arrive around 3:30
- After course tour and warm up, should be able to start the girls race around 3:50 with the boys to follow
Wednesday 10/25 - off
Thursday 10/26 - Practice 3:30 - 4:45 - Only for those heading to State Meet 11/4
Friday 10/27 - Annual DQ Run - must have permission slip signed to participate
Additional Items:
- State Meet 11/4 - Let us know if you are participating. More info can be found here
- Optional Workout Plans leading up to the State Meet for those interested
- Wayland XC store still open